Sabre Fencing - A Sport for All Ages
If you have never had the opportunity try fencing with us
We help develop Senior and Veteran Fencers (Ages 40, 50 and 60 plus)
Focusing on You - Fencing for All Ages
Learn a New Sport
Many adults have never had the opportunity to learn fencing when they were younger. We encourage adults of all ages and backgrounds to try our sport. All equipment and coaching is provided for adult new starters.
Fencing appeals to those who both enjoy the social aspects of training in groups with the benefit of an individual sport where you can develop at your own pace. We also provide Individual coaching that is tailored to each adult and their own progress.
Improve your Fitness & Wellbeing
Regular fencing training provides valuable health and wellbeing benefits. Our structured sessions allow everyone to develop and improve their flexibility, strength and aerobic and anaerobic fitness. Fencing is also a sport which helps develop concentration and focus and helps with overall wellbeing.
Meet new people
We ensure that our club is open and welcoming to all. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t fenced before or if you are returning to sport, or have not been particularly sporty in the past. All new fencers can develop at their own pace and we’ll help all adults improve and progress. Many of our fencers have started as adults or have returned to the sport after a break.
Events and Competitions
For those who want to do more there are training days and competitions both locally and nationally for adults. For fencers who are aged 40, 50 or 60 plus there is a regular circuit of veteran age group events that we encourage fencers to take part in.
Sabre Fencing for All
We help develop Senior and Veteran Fencers (Ages 40, 50 and 60 plus)